Monday, May 05, 2008

Red Sox - May 2, 2008

For once I was in the right place at the right time. One of the Project Managers I assist ended up getting tickets for the Red Sox game on Friday night which he could not use! I had absolutely nothing planned for the evening (except a potential game of Boggle with Bill) so I was thrilled to get the tickets! Bill picked me up from work and we drove to the city, stopping at Bertuccis for a quick bite to eat. It was packed and there was a ton of excited energy in anticipation for the game. On the way there I even spotted John Lithgow walking towards Fenway. We ate in record time not wanting to miss the opening pitch, and dashed back to the park. But it was raining...pretty hard actually.

After a 2 1/2 hour rain delay the game started and it was COLD. I had a rain jacket and winter coat layered on over a t-shirt and sweatshirt and I was still freezing! Thankfully we were in the grandstand (really good seats!) so we didn't get wet. I had thought I'd be a tough chick and stay till the last pitch, but at midnight I couldn't feel my legs so we left at the top of the 7th. We listened to the game on the way home (yay! The Sox won!), picked up my car from work (very spooky at 1AM!) and crawled into bed at 2AM.

Now that I'm warm and dry I can look back on the game and think nice thoughts about it. It was very neat, for example, to see them run the tarp off the field and prep the dirt for the game. We also had really good seats that in warmer weather would have had me dancing in the stands. Actually, I did dance for most of the game - I had to so I wouldn't freeze solid!

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